Thursday, December 5, 2024

November Children’s Events


Stratford Library Kids Events in November

November Storytimes

Weekly Storytimes meet at 10:30 A.M.:

  • Mondays, Toddler Time for ages 0-2
  • Tuesdays, Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 meets on
  • Thursdays, Baby Lapsit for babies 0-18 months
  • Friday, Friday Fun stories and songs for ages 1-5

Registration is required.

Enjoy early literacy activities and meet other families at Library storytimes! (No storytimes on Monday Nov 11, Thursday Nov 28, and Friday Nov 29) To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Book Scientists

Ages 3-12

Registration is required

Each Book Scientist kit includes books and activities. Books are selected based on the participating child’s age. This month the theme is Outer Space (Nov15). Return the Library books when they are due and keep everything else! To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Super Mario Bros. Party

Ages 6-10

Saturday, November 9 at 2:30 P.M.

Registration is required

This event will be held in the Children’s program room. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Impressionist Painting

Ages 8-13

Wednesday, November 13 at 4 P.M.

Registration is required

An Impressionist art workshop to learn about the Impressionism art movement and create your own painting. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Junior Scientists: Bones

Ages 4-8

Pickups begin on Thursday, November 14

Registration is required

A Junior Scientists Grab ‘n’ Go kit on the Skeletal System. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Kids Lego Robotics Club

Ages 7-12

Thursday, November 14 at 2:00 P.M.

Registration is required

A Lego Robotics workshop. Thanks to a grant from the Stratford Rotary Club, the Library now owns a LEGO Spike Essential kits, which combines LEGO building with some coding fun! This program will meet in the Children’s Program Room.To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Storytime with Little Teeth Dentists

Ages 3-7

Tuesday, November 19 at 10:30 A.M.

Registration is required

Come listen to a story, sing a song, and kids will learn how to take care of their own teeth. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Fall Art: Collage

Ages 7-12

Tuesday, November 19 at 4 P.M.

Registration is required

Kids will be using paper, foam core, and other materials to make their creations. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Ready for Kindergarten Grab ‘n’ Go

Ages 3-5

Pick up begins on Wednesday, November 20

Registration is required

Each month’s kit will offer a different activity to prepare your preschooler for Kindergarten. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Learn to Crochet

Ages 9 and up

Wednesday, November 20 at 6 P.M.

Registration is required

All patrons are welcome, and supplies are provided. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Mini Foods

Grades 5-7

Thursday, November 21 at 4 P.M.

Registration is required

Create and snack on a variety of fun, bite-sized foods. Please note that some food items may have come into contact with or contain food allergens. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Treefort Science: Lightboxes

Ages 5-7

Friday, November 22 at 3:30 P.M.

Registration is required

This month’s theme will be exploring how to use Lightboxes. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Make Thanksgiving Cards for Seniors

Children of all ages

Drop-in Saturday, November 23 during Library hours

Celebrate our community at a drop-in craft activity making Thanksgiving Cards for the local seniors at Spring Village. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Piano w/ Friends: Chords

Ages 7-12

Saturday, November 23 at 2:30 P.M.

Children’s Program Room

Registration is required

Learn how chords are formed, how to write a chord on sheet music, and more! (Class does not replace professional piano lessons; also please note that participants must have attended at least one Music Basics class to join in this session). To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Nutmeg Book Group

Grades 4 to 6

Monday, November 25 at 6 P.M.

Children’s Program Room

Registration is required

November’s pick will be Chester Keene Cracks the Code by Kekla Magoon. Read the book, then join us for a book discussion. Book provided to registered participants courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Science Club: Sink Or Float

Ages 7-12

Tuesday, November 26 at 6 P.M.

Registration is required

Our brand new Science Club features a different activity every month. November’s session will be Sink or Float. We will be making floating structures and seeing which one works the best! To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit

Math Grab ‘n’ Go: Addition

Ages 5-8

Pick up for kits begins on Wednesday, November 27

Registration is required

To register, visit the website at, then choose Events. For more information about Library programs and services for children, call 203.385.4165 or visit


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