Saturday, September 7, 2024

Press Release From Stratford Mayor’s Office


Requests for Proposals Now Open for Shakespeare Park Development

To Review the Requests for Proposal to to:

STRATFORD, CT — The Town of Stratford released the request for qualifications (#RFQ 2024-06) for architectural and engineering services for the proposed performing arts complex to be developed in the current Shakespeare Park property owned by the Town.

“This is an important step towards Stratford having a welcoming, multi-use arts complex for one of the most significant, beautiful properties in our Town,” Stratford Mayor Laura R. Hoydick said. “It is an exciting time as we move ahead in the search for the most qualified firm to assist the Town with the redevelopment of Shakespeare Park located at 1850 Elm Street. We are looking for a partner to support the vision of the Town and future of the park as a significant outlet for use by all those in our community, while embracing the charm and history of the park.

“We look forward to carefully reviewing submissions from engineering and architectural firms and, with approval through the Town Council, selecting a partner who will help us achieve our goals in the most efficient, thoughtful, and thorough manner possible.”

During previous years, the Town has commissioned reports, studies and conceptual designs for use of the site, however, the intent of this RFQ is to seek design, scheduling and budget estimating throughout a multi-year and multi-phase program. Adherence to the concept design information (attached in the RFQ here) is encouraged in order to create the Stratford Performing Arts Complex.

The project will be funded by the Town of Stratford, State of Connecticut and philanthropy. The constructed complex will be owned and maintained by the Town of Stratford.

As with all RFQs, prospective bidders are encouraged to monitor Bid Invitations for the latest information and important updates posted via Addenda. It remains the supplier’s responsibility to have the latest information and to submit completed quotations at the designated date, time, and location.

Please click here for further details of this RFQ


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