Monday, September 9, 2024

Stratford Library Kids Event


The Stratford Library Children’s Department continues to offer stimulating programs for local kids and their families. The Library is currently offering limited computer use for adults with reservations and contact-free Take Out borrowing services, online programs, take and go program kits, Reference Chat and 24/7 online access to ebooks, audiobooks, movies and music. Staff will take calls Monday-Saturday, 10 A.M.-5 P.M.

Fall Storytimes will meet online via Zoom at the Stratford Library each week. On Mondays at 10:30 A.M., Toddler Time features rhymes and songs for ages 1-2. On Tuesdays at 10:30 A.M., Preschool Storytime features books and songs for ages 3-5. On Thursdays at 10:30 A.M., Baby Lapsit offers bounces, rhymes, and parent sharing for families of infants and toddlers. Halloween storytimes are Monday/Tuesday, October 26-27. Registered participants can visit the Library in costume at specific times to pick up a grab’n’go Halloween treat. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

The Stratford Library Children’s Department offers two fall reading programs for children. Children ages 0 to 4 can join “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” to share books with their children at home. Registered participants will receive a folder and check off sheets as well as special prizes along the way. Families can read any books they like as many times as they like to complete their 1000 books. Children grades K to 6 can join “Read Around Stratford” with monthly reading challenges as well as outdoor challenges around Stratford with sites that families can visit to complete scavenger hunts and more. Children who complete Read Around Stratford will receive a special gift next spring. This program is courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

DIY Saturday Storytimes are posted every Saturday on the Stratford Library’s Kids page. Families can enjoy storytimes with special themes to read online whenever is convenient. For more information, visit the website at

Homework Help
Families with children grades K to 6 can sign up for online Homework Help on Thursday nights at 6:30 P.M. on Zoom. Teen tutors will be available to help with homework and practice reading. Families are asked to bring homework or a reading book to the Zoom. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

Alphabet Parade and Phonics Parade
Alphabet Parade and Phonics Parade will be offered by the Stratford Library Children’s Department on Wednesdays beginning in October. These programs meet on Zoom. Children ages 4-6 can join Alphabet Parade at 3:30 P.M. for the letter of that week. Children ages 5-8 can join Phonics Parade for that use sight words and the sounds in words to promote reading. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

Draw with Josie
Meets on Zoom on Monday, October 12 at 4 P.M. for ages 7 to 12. This month, learn to draw Jack Skellington from the movie, “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Children should bring a pencil, paper, and an eraser to the Zoom. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

Science Camp
The Stratford Library’s Science Camp: Gumdrop Engineering workshop meets on Zoom Thursday, October 15 at 4 P.M. for ages 5-8. Registered participants can pick up an engineering grab’n’go bag to use during the Zoom class. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

Kids Coding Club
The Stratford Library Kids Coding Club will meet Monday, October 19 at 4 P.M. on Zoom. Ages 7 to 12 are welcome to attend. Class will consist of a demonstration of a Scratch Coding project that children can try on their own and a group activity with ancient and modern codes. Projects may include hieroglyphs, made up languages, and tongue twisters.  To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

Nutmeg Book Group
The Stratford Library’s Nutmeg Book Group will meet Monday, October 26 at 7 P.M. on Zoom to discuss the book “The Great Treehouse War” by Lisa Graff. Registered participants grades 4 to 6 will receive a free copy of the book and a goody bag courtesy of the Carol Pieper Memorial Fund.  To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203-385-4165 for more information.

Grab’n’Go Halloween!
Stratford children ages 3 to 12 are welcome to enjoy a Halloween grab’n’go treat pick up at the Stratford Library on Tuesday, October 27 from 4 to 5 P.M. Registered participants can come in costume, following Library safety guidelines, to the Library’s back courtyard and pick up a treat from the Children’s Department table. To register, visit the Library’s website at or call 203.385.4165 for more information.


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