Friday, July 26, 2024

Where Am I?


Stratford the Beautiful

Crier Photo Contest

The Crier has launched a weekly photo quiz to acquaint readers with the many beautiful parts of our town.  Crier photographers will publish photos of Stratford’s gems and ask readers to identify the location. First right response will be honored with a free ice cream cone from Goody Bassett, a Stratford Mecca for ice cream lovers.

The winner of last week’s photo quiz is — the Town of Stratford, by being home to the 401 acres Roosevelt Forest with well-maintained trails, a pond, a pavilion and a Boy Scout Camp.  The town is also fortunate to have eager and capable youth performing community service and building projects, such as the bridge pictured in last week’s quiz connecting the blue trail to Pumpkin Ground Road.

We did have a winner who identified the photos, but he lives in Austria and UPS can’t guarantee an ice cream cone to Austria!!!! Hey, if an ex-pat can identify a photo from Austria surely you can!

This week’s photo is from another, man-made bucolic corner of town. Can you identify the location?

The first one to identify the location will win a delicious ice cream cone from Goody Bassett. Yum!



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