Petition Started to Reinstate Dr. Uyi Osunde as Superintendent of Schools in Stratford
Started March 20, 2024 by Lesly Valbrun
Why this petition matters
We, the citizens, taxpayers, and voters of the Town of Stratford, are calling for immediate action by all members of the Board of Education to reinstate our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Uyi Osunde. We hold Dr. Osunde in high regard and have expectations for him to continue leading our educators, administrators, and students towards higher accomplishments and standards.
Dr. Osunde was selected as a man of color with praiseworthy demonstrated experience. His leadership has been instrumental in improving educational outcomes within our community – a fact supported by increased graduation rates during his tenure (source: Stratford Public School District data). His removal from office is not only a loss for our education system but also undermines diversity at top leadership levels.
In late November 2023, a misdemeanor was noted publicly and investigated by public safety officials. Despite being dismissed for lack of evidence by the CT Superior Court, the Board of Education (BOE) continues to conduct “private and secret” research on the matter, without making any public statements regarding concerns related to the Town’s educational mission.
Moreover, the annual budget process continues, with the Superintendent absent and removed from the scene. This has resulted in a budgetary cut on critical and necessary portions of the academic support branch of primary and secondary education in Stratford.
As concerned citizens, we expressly request that the BOE takes immediate action to rectify this situation:
- Restore Dr. Osunde to his full and former contracted status without limitations.
- Report to the public the extent, results, and expense of the “research” that has delayed the judgment of the Superintendent.
- Assure the broad public that any delay in decision-making to restore Dr. Osunde was neither personal nor partisan.
- Step down from your elected position immediately, if your reflection does not support the reality that the future of 7,000 youth is your primary consideration.
The future of our community is at stake. We implore the BOE to prioritize the education and well-being of our children and take concrete steps to restore the trust and confidence of the public.
We believe that reinstating Dr. Osunde will help maintain progress in education standards while promoting diversity within our school district’s leadership team.
We urge you to vote favorably on this matter – it is crucial for the future success and inclusivity within our education system here in Stratford.
Please sign this petition to support reinstating Dr. Uyi Osunde as Superintendent of Schools.
“We, the citizens, taxpayers, and voters of the Town of Stratford, are calling for immediate action by all members of the Board of Education to reinstate our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Uyi Osunde.”
Congratulations to all who helped this to be.
This is what happens when you mix politics with kids. They are two very different things. I pray daily for my home town, that the leaders are strategic thinkers who understand their decisions impact all of us greatly.
None of us are perfect. Let’s move on and put this behind us, and get things accomplished for the sake of our beautiful town and more importantly, the kids.
See you in the schools, they need our help!