Attorney General Summary
We are not new to this fight. When I first took office in 2019, I promised that my office would be Connecticut’s firewall—our line of defense against unlawful federal encroachment and harm to our families, civil liberties and bodily autonomy.
When Trump 1.0 tried to defund the U.S. Postal Service for political gain, we stopped him. When Trump 1.0 sought to roll back the federal government’s abilities to fight climate change and curb air pollution, we sued, and we won. When Trump 1.0 tried to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, we didn’t let him.
We’re already engaged in courts across the country to preserve abortion access including the challenge that we brought in a Washington federal court to unnecessary restrictions imposed on the medication abortion drug mifepristone. We were involved in nearly every major consequential case before the U.S. Supreme court this past session, including cases challenging domestic violence gun laws, access to emergency medical treatment, the ability of our federal government to carry out its regulatory duties, cross-state air pollution, and more.
Here to Help
This past year alone, our office worked tirelessly to generate $430 million for the state and consumers—more than 12 times our cost to the state, and more revenue than any state entity save for the Department of Revenue Services. None of this would be possible without the extraordinary work of our 300 attorneys, paralegals and staff. To each and every one of you —thank you.
We close this year and enter the next as always —confident, affirmative and strong, with a commitment to do all that we can each and every day to improve the lives and futures of Connecticut families.
Whether you’ve been scammed by a contractor, you’re getting the runaround from an airline, or you’ve been denied access to coverage and benefits you deserve, we are here to fight for you. Please don’t hesitate to call our office at 860-808-5420 or file a complaint at
With gratitude and best wishes in the new year,
William Tong
Attorney General
I wish you would stop acting like your opinion is shared by every citizen in Connecticut !!! Many agree with Trump, and we are trying to turn this state red again.
Sorry Karen, majority of voters in this state vote Democrat. Very small minority for your guy.
That’s not going to happen . The way things look nowadays ,this state will forever remain blue !!!
Not me
Good luck with that !!!
I am sorry please don’t speak for all of us. This shouldn’t be political ,it should be about are freedoms and our right.
No, not near as many as you would hope and think. You n@z!s aren’t the majority.
You are doing a wonderful Job. Keep up the Great Work. Marcia
Totally agree with you
Thank you Attorny Gemeral Tong.
I do t agree with most of your policies
Keep up the awesome work. Keep fighting for all people.
Thank you for all you do!!
Thank you AG Tong and Thank You Connecticut for going BLUE & STAYING BLUE !!!
In my opinion, you are a criminal marxist who supports child trafficking, illegal entry and seizure for profit. You are the single boggest threat to our freedom.
Stop wasting our money on illegals. Try fighting our ridiculous electric fees.
Thank you
I feel safe in Connecticut it’s because of our Democratic administration. A fear for the United States because of Donald Trump. Please continue to stand up.
Thank you
Thanks Dong