Saturday, January 25, 2025

Affordable Housing In Paradise Green


Affordable Housing In Paradise Green
3589 Main Street
Zoning Commission Special Public Hearing
October 25th

Public Hearing on the petition by T&J Realty & Blake Stratford to allow the construction of a twelve (12) unit, 2.5 story affordable housing development.

Attorney Belis, representing petitioner, entered into record photograph of prospective building, application to amend zoning regulation, existing street view, floorplan, letters from N. Owen and T&J Realty and Certificates of Mailings. He reviewed the zone change noting this is a set­ aside development with 30% of units deemed affordable. He reviewed “Application to Amend Zoning Regulations of the Town of Stratford” noting under 8-30g zone change is permitted.

There will be twelve (12) one bedroom units and sixteen (16) parking spaces with additional parking available on adjacent property.

Chairman Watson mentioned the town would like all developers of 8-30g to use affordability administrators recommended by the DOH. Attorney Belis will obtain list of managers from the Zoning office. Chairman Watson also noted the maximum impervious area should be 80% and questioned if a traffic study was done.

Nick Owens, representing petitioner, discussed property and reiterated there will be sixteen (16) parking spaces. He discussed the Architectural Review Boards recommendations noting they have made some of the recommended changes. He agrees with changes made by Mr. Habansky and discussed J. Casey recommendations for drainage under MS-4 which will be submitted to Engineering.

Owens’ disagrees with providing bike racks and flat roof, will eliminate shutters and provide stone planters in front of building. Underground utilities will be provided, will comply with health department recommendations and will also have to go before WPCA. He will reach out to Inland Wetland Superintendent for planting recommendations. Mr. Petrucelli and Ms. Lamberti questioned charging stations and Planning Commission comments.

Mr. Habansky feels some adjustments have been made on the unfavorable Planning Commissions’ recommendations. He also noted that being the Planning Commission made a unfavorable recommendation, requiring four (4) votes to pass.  Seeing no members of the public speaking in favor or opposition of the petition, Mr. Vigliotti made a motion to close 3589 Main Street and Text Amendment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.  Mr. Vigliotti made a motion to close the Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Petrucelli. The motion carried unanimously.

Administrative Session

Petition of T&J Realty & Blake Stratford LLC seeking to create a new Section 28 titled Paradise Green District to allow for the construction of a twelve (12) unit affordable housing development in a CA Zone – Mr. Vigliotti made a motion to take Text Amendment off the table. The motion was seconded by Ms. Lamberti. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Habansky noted that in the Application to Amend Zoning Regulations the only change/condition of approval would be the impervious area to be a maximum of 80%. Attorney Sullivan informed the Commission even if text amendment is denied they can still consider the Site Plan Review. Mr. Vigliotti noted Text Amendment is clear and with conditions of approval will comply with concerns of Planning and Zoning.

Ms. Lamberti made a motion to approve Text Amendment with recommendation that impervious area be at 80% and the modified Text Amendment is consistent with POCD. The motion was seconded by Mr. Vigliotti. The motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Petrucelli voting in the negative.

3589 Main Street – Petition of T&J Realty and Blake Stratford LLC seeking a Change of Zone from a CA to Paradise Green District – Mr. Vigliotti made a motion to take 3589 Main Street off the table. The motion was seconded by Mr. Watson. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Habansky informed the Commission Text Amendment appearing to be consistent therefore Zone Change appears to be consistent with POCD.

Mr. Vigliotti made a motion to approve change of zone to Paradise Green District which will be consistent with POCD. The motion was seconded by Ms. Manos. The motion carried 4-1 with Mr. Petrucelli voting in the negative.

Mr. Vigliotti made a motion to include one (1) charging station on property instead of two (2). The motion was seconded by Ms. Lamberti. The motion carried 3-2 with Mr. Petrucelli and Ms. Manos voting in the negative.

Mr. Habansky noted following conditions of approval be adhered:

  • Impervious area be 80%
  • Bicycle rack be installed
  • Parking surfaces be reconstructed/resurfaced and striped
  • Letter from licensed engineer be obtained noting compliance with Town of Stratford’s MS4 Storm-water permit be obtained
  • Recommendations made by ARB be followed except as modified by the Zoning Commission based on new information
  • Conservation Superintendent’s letter of satisfaction with proposed planting
  • Siltation and erosion controls be in place and Zoning Enforcement Officer be notified prior to any site/construction work
  • Immediate notification of development of erosion problem Also
  • Walkway installed on south side of building
  • All recommendations by ARB except #1 and #2 be implemented
  • Modify roof “any pitch” shall be concealed from public view as recommended by ARB
  • Maximum impervious area 80%

The reason for considering approval is that the modifications make the application more consistent with the POCD.  Ms. Lamberti made a motion to approve 3589 Main Street – Paradise Green District with the above stipulations and being consistent with the POCD. The motion was seconded by Mr. Vigliotti. The motion carried unanimously.


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