Local Woman’s Clothing Designs Come to Life
by Tiffany Johnson
Instagram- TILAJO
Twitter- TILAJO 20
Website- Shoptilajo.com
Tiffany Johnson always had a love for clothing and fashion since she was a little girl. However, she took a more serious interest in it when I was 12 years old. “I simply love clothes and the way they make me feel”.
A graduate of Frank Scott Bunnell High School (and currently attending Eastern Connecticut State University as a General Psychology major), Her clothing line, TILAJO, LLC, is a Unisex Luxe Streetwear line that targets millennials. The items sold are generally fitted for XS thru 4XL.
“I have no formal training in clothing design, but I have a passion for clothing styles and looks that celebrate individuality. Although the idea of having my own clothing line was conceptualized as a preteen, the birth of TILAJO, LLC came about in April 2020.
“My Goal for the brand is to continue to grow and expand its following worldwide. Also, provide offerings to include but not limited to travel, food and entertainment services. I want to be a household name. I would also love to collaborate with other companies to create a line of products that promotes and supports self-love, women empowerment and gender equality.”
“It’s important for my brand to reflect a new age of design that tells a very realistic story about the day and time we live in. The use of bold primary color displayed in my logo design as well as my signature products defines a primary mindset. Primary because it serves as a constant reminder that we are original and what makes us who we are is not derived from, caused by or based on anything else.
We all have a bigger purpose in life and finding out what that is synonymous with our ability to TRUST LIFES JOURNEY.
The inspiration for the brand came when she discovered her need for clarity with who she is as a person and what makes her unique in spite of my connection to others. “Losing yourself in the midst of trying to find your place in the lives of others is a hard pill to swallow. Maintaining who you are has to be in the forefront of your mind and always a safe place that keeps you grounded. Choosing you is okay every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Self-love is by far the greatest gift you can give yourself. It is my hope that you always find what makes you great and stop at nothing to be present in every moment, showing up for yourself time and time again unapologetically!!!!”
“Time wouldn’t be able to tell my story. I am an idea that most dream up but few dare to get to experience. I love all things genuine yet fun, like a genuine smile or a heartfelt hello. I marvel at those who can keep it real even under the extremist of circumstances.
To address the fun part, I am a true sucker for fun; but clean fun, the kind that makes you want to get on a swing and swing so high in an effort to touch the outer skirts of heaven.” “I can be anal but for the cause of perfecting that which can be perfected. I trust way more than I should and I always give the benefit of the doubt. So much uncertainty I have experienced in life, I owe to the people I let take up residency in my heart. I have learned to be cautious and give pause to things that don’t feed my soul. I can be immature at times and yet I find no fault in preserving not wanting to grow up too fast.
TILAJO is me and I am her. A power source of hope, a beacon of light and a never ending by product of self-love. The brand inspires to eradicate self-hate and promote all things that make you look and feel BEAUTIFUL!!!” For further information about Tiffany Johnson and TILAJO, LLC, go to: https://www.facebook.com/tilajo20/