Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Zoning Commission Meeting


August 28, 2024
Public Hearing Meeting and Minutes

The Town of Stratford Zoning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on Wednesday August 28, 2024 in Council Chambers of Stratford Town Hall, 2725 Main Street, Stratford CT, pursuant to notice duly posted.

Chairman Watson called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00 p.m., and noted alternate member David Fuller has submitted his resignation.

1971-1975 Barnum Avenue-Petition of Robert Mangino seeking to modify a previous Special Case to establish a convenience store incidental to a gas station in a CA Zone

Architect Robert Mangino (131 Talcott Road, Guilford CT), representing applicant, explained plans to add a 865 sq, ft. convenience store to the existing structure.

Questions were posed to, and answered by, Mr. Mangino.

Hearing no one from the public speak in favor of, or in opposition to, this application, Mr. Watson accepted a motion by Mr. Petruccelli to close 1971-1975 Barnum Avenue. Mr. Fredette seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

24 Washington Parkway & 40-60 Beach Drive -Petition of Drowsy Whaler LLC seeking to modify a previous Special Case to allow morning operation for a coffee truck incidental to a food truck park in a WF Zone

Applicants Zack and Laura Mike (55 Cherry St, Stratford CT) supplied ten letters and 120 signatures supporting their application, requesting to operate their coffee, tea and pastry food truck from 7:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at 24 Washington Parkway & 40-60 Beach Drive.

Mr. Michael Lengel (40 Cherry St, Stratford CT) spoke in favor of the application. Twenty-two adults attending indicated by a show of hands that they were all in favor of this application as well. No one spoke in opposition. Mr. Watson accepted a motion by Mr. Petruccelli to close 24 Washington Parkway & 40-60 Beach Drive. Ms. Manos seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

There being no further applications Mr. Watson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Petruccelli, to close the Public Hearing. The motion passed unanimously.



    1971-1975 Barnum Avenue – Petition of Robert Mangino seeking to modify a previous Special Case to establish a convenience store incidental to a gas station in a CA Zone

    Motion by Mr. Petruccelli to take off table; Seconded by Mr. Fredette; passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Petruccelli to approve.

     Mr. Habansky recommended the following conditions be implemented:

    • All unpermitted signs located on the property, especially the building facade, shall be removed.
      • A dumpster enclosure shall be constructed to screen the dumpster area from neighbors and public view.
      • Obtain a letter from Town Engineer John Casey that his conditions have been satisfied
      • Obtain a letter from Environmental Conservation Superintendent Kelly Kerrigan that her conditions have been met
      • Submit a modified site plan

    Mr. Fredette added that the dumpster enclosure be maintained.

    Mr. Petruccelli accepted the above-noted amendments. Mr. Fredette seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

    24 Washington Parkway & 40-60 Beach Drive – Petition of Drowsy Whaler LLC seeking to modify a previous Special Case to allow morning operation for a coffee truck incidental to a food truck park in a WF Zone

    Motion by Mr. Petruccelli to take off table; Seconded by Mr. Fredette; passed unanimously.

    Mr. Habansky recommended the following conditions be implemented:Modified hours for this applicant only shall be 7:30 a.m.-12.p.m..

    • The total number of food trucks in this location at any time must not exceed four.
      • Use of generators is prohibited.

    Motion by Mr. Petruccelli to approve 24 Washington Parkway & 40-60 Beach Drive application with Mr. Habansky’s reconnnendations noted above; Seconded by Mr. Fredette; motion passed unanimously.


    OTHER ITEMS:  Zoning Regs Update Project

    • Open House 9/11/2024 4-7pm at Baldwin Center:
      •  Mr. Habansky requested ZC member attend to listen to residents’ comments and suggestions.He noted the booklet of proposed changes was presented to the Planning Commission at their August 20 meeting.Attorney Sullivan stated she has researched the definition of “family” regarding zoning.Mr. Habansky questioned the possibility of having deed restrictions for potentially turning 2-farnily houses into 3-family houses.
      • He stated the project is on time and under budget. Mr. Watson thanked Mr. Habansky four all his hard work on this.


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