Friday, October 25, 2024

Candidate for State House District 122


Dottie Lerner (D)

Candidate for State House District 122

Bio: Dottie Lerner

Originally from Queens, NY, I am the product of New York City public Schools, where I learned about what it means to be an American and a patriot. I graduated from Queens College with a BA and taught in The New York City Public School System for several years. I have been a Connecticut resident for almost 50 years. After raising, teaching, and advocating for my son with autism, I earned a master’s degree in social work from SCSU. With 15 years of counseling and residential management experience in non-profits, I became a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for the State of Connecticut.  I have been an active democrat all my adult life and remain an active member of the Stratford DTC.

  • Which office are you running for and why?

I am a candidate for State Representative in the 122nd district because I want to give a voice to folks in this district who have been under-represented in the general assembly for years. In this political climate of polarization and distrust, I want to fairly and equally represent, as best as I am able, all people in the district regardless of affiliation, point of view, or background. I believe I can bring to public service my communication skills, my advocacy abilities, and my passion that I have used to help people throughout my career and in my personal life. In the 122nd district, maintaining a quality of life and economic security, that has been well earned, needs to be protected from the unreasonably high cost of living, particularly from the exorbitant rates of public utilities. I want to fight to maintain that quality of life.

  • What are your qualifications for this position?

My qualifications to represent the people of Stratford stem from a passion and commitment to help people get what they want and need. I have been a successful advocate for people with disabilities by first using active listening skills with Boards of Education and employers and then presenting my consumer’s strengths and abilities that would a good fit, either in a particular educational program or in an employment environment. My ability to “see both sides” and then help bring them together, using negotiation, accurate and factual information, excellent communication skills, and commitment to serving the best interest of my consumers, has shaped my ability to work “across the aisle” for positive outcomes.

  • What is your vision for Stratfords future?              

I believe that most Stratford residents would agree with me when I proclaim that our town is just fine the way it is! With a beautiful shoreline, the Housatonic River bank, cultural and historical sites, thriving businesses in an active downtown area,  and a diverse population of residents who care deeply about their town and their neighborhood, what more do we need? We need to conserve what we already have. However, we can’t stand completely still! The future dictates some changes and planning! The housing shortage, especially affordable housing, is a well-covered near crisis in CT. We need to provide more diverse housing opportunities and options, including single-family and multi-family homes and apartments while maintaining the basic character of each neighborhood. 

My vision for Stratford’s future also includes conserving our shoreline and Sound while taking advantage of these waterways. I envision developing more recreational and cultural opportunities utilizing already existing structures that are situated along our coastline and have been greatly underused for too many years.

  • What do you believe can be your greatest contribution to Stratford in this new position?

I believe my greatest contribution to Stratford in this position would be a fresh and dedicated approach to advocating for all of Stratford’s people and their needs. I am a proud Stratford resident, living in a district above the Merritt Parkway, as opposed to the incumbent, who lives in Shelton.


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