Friday, July 26, 2024

Parents SEE (Supporting Educational Excellence)


10th Parents SEE Cohort in Stratford

Starting in February

Parents SEE is a 13 week training program focused on parent leadership in education. It was created by the Partners for Educational Leadership and the Connecticut Commission on Children to provide parents, grandparents, and guardians with the skills, tools, and understandings they need to become leaders, change agents, and active participants in education.

Parents SEE facilitates partnerships with district and school personnel to address inequities, improve schools and community engagement, and increase student achievement.

Want to be a part of the 10th Parents SEE cohort in Stratford, starting February 2023?

Call 203-381-6992 for more information.

Topics include:

  • Equity in education,
  • What effective schools look like,
  • How and why schools change,
  • How a school district functions,
  • Parents’ role in addressing equity
  • High quality teaching and learning,
  • What improvements are needed in schools,
  • What it means to be a parent leader in education.

To date, over 160 parents, grandparents or guardians have graduated Parents SEE in Stratford. After graduating, participants use their training in many different ways; some report a better comfort level communicating with school/district leaders, some pursue advocacy efforts in schools/the district, some have taken on leadership roles within the district/community. Most credit Parents SEE for assisting with their success.

Some examples:

  • Youth Sports Coach
  • Girl Scout Troop Leader
  • Strategic Planning Committee
  • SSRACCAC (Stratford School Readiness & Child Care Advisory Council)
  • BOE Plant and Planning subcommittee
  • Stratford Democratic Town Committee
  • Sterling House Youth Development Committee
  • PTA Board Member
  • Elected BOE Member
  • Teacher of the Year Selection Committee
  • A.R.E. Board of Directors


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