Black History Month-Be Inspired
February 1 – March 1
Grades 6-12
No registration required
So many Black Americans have inspired us and changed our lives! Now it’s your turn. Who inspires you? How would you like to inspire others? Share your aspirations & inspirations on our Be Inspired Board all month long in the Teen Department. Location: Teen Department.
Teen Job & Resource Info Session
February 6 from 3:30-4:30 P.M.
Grades 8-12
Registration required
Lovell Room
Teen Job & Resource info session Presentation by The Workplace’s Career Hub division. Learn about available opportunities for people ages 14-24, such as internships, social services, job placements, apprenticeships, and more.
DIY Chocolate Truffles
February 11 from 3:30-4:30 P.M.
Grades 6-12
Registration required
Lovell Room
We’re going to create our own rich, creamy chocolate confections. These sweet treats are delicious and the perfect way to build your ‘kitchen’ skills.
Teen Cupcake Wars
February 13 from 3:30-4:30 P.M.
Grades 6-12
Registration Required
Teen Department
Put your creativity, imagination, and sweet tooth to the test! You’ll be given ingredients and a limited amount of time to turn cupcakes into themed designs to impress our panel of judges! (This program may not be suitable for those with food allergies.)
Teen & uCreate Bingo Night
February 20, from 3:30-5 P.M.
Grades 6-12
No registration required
Lovell Room
The long days of winter can’t keep us in the house. Meet us in the Lovell Room for snacks, fun, & prizes from Game Stop & 5 Below!
Blind Date with a Book Café
February 27 from 3-4:00 P.M.
Grades 6-12
No registration required
Lovell Room
Take a seat, pick up a mystery book, and when the bell goes off…start reading! When time is up, you can either keep reading or switch tables and start reading another book. We’ll provide snacks and hot chocolate, and all the free books you want.