Sunday, January 26, 2025

Complete Streets Phase II Design Open House


Opportunity for Residents and Stratford Housatonic Greenway Cyclist Club to Showcase Complete Streets Project

About 30 town officials, Paradise Green residents and bicycle enthusiasts met Tuesday, January 7th to discuss the town’s Complete Streets plan.  Greenway members, Michael Murphy, Jim Simon, Karen Burke, Chris Green, Mayor Hoydick, Mary Dean, representative from the Stratford Police Department and MetroCOG were also in attendance.

The plan, seven years in the making, would make transportation improvements, extend bicycle lanes from Barnum Avenue, north along Main St, and out to Wilcoxson Street. Complete Streets is a worldwide movement to make local networks of transport equal for all modes of transportation, while also enhancing our visual streetscape environment.  In 2016 a Stratford Complete Streets initiative resulted in a plan that lays out the vision for transforming Stratford’s Streets. In 2017, this was adopted as ordinance.

Stratford successfully implemented Phase I of Complete Streets on Main Street between Barnum Avenue (north) and Harvey Place (south).  Understanding the road signs and symbols along the street, including within the new bike lanes, is incredibly important to encourage more ridership and a sharing of the road, as well as encouraging safety and efficiency in the use of these resources.

For a detailed description Including photos go to:

Participants studied a very detailed map and made final suggestions to Town Planner Susmitha Attotta for the project, approved by the Town Council and largely funded by the state.

CT Department of Transportation approved $6.47 million to fund construction of improvements on Main Street between Barnum Avenue and Paradise Green. Main Street in this area is State Route 113.  The Barnum Avenue to Paradise Green project is part of the Town’s multi-phased Complete Streets plan that covers Main Street from Stratford Avenue to Paradise Green; Ferry Boulevard to The Dock Shopping Center; and Nichols Avenue from Barnum Avenue to Wooster Middle School. This $6.47 million funds the first phase of construction of the Town’s plan. The Town’s Capital Improvement Plan provided design costs of over $250,000 for this phase. 

Please click on the link below that leads you to our Planning and Zoning webpage:

 Within this link, under Complete Streets Plan & Implementation sub-title, you will find sub-links to the 60% draft designs and a video explaining these designs (first two sub-links). Please feel free to email Susmitha Attotta back with any additional thoughts or comments[email protected]

Complete Streets video:


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