Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Urban Green and Community Garden Grant Program


Access Road Arboretum Project

State Representative Joe Gresko, (D), 121st Connecticut House District, announced that he helped secure a $281,840 grant for Stratford to create green space.

Project Name: Access Road Arboretum Project
Sponsor: Town of Stratford
Location: Stratford
Grant Amount: $281,840

Description: The Town of Stratford was awarded funding from the OSWA (Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition) grant program to create a new public green space at an existing vacant lot nestled between Access, Ketcham, and Woodend Roads.

Designs include a walking path with native landscaped areas that will serve as acommunity educational and recreational resource. Enhancement of this site will serve to capture and filter runoff during rain events and offer a vibrant place for residents, school and local community groups, and visitors to enjoy being outside. Once established, future plans by the Town are to link this property to other portions of Stratford’s “Greenway,” including potential connections to nearby Frash Pond and the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge.

The Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition (OSWA) Grant Program provides financial assistance to municipalities and nonprofit land conservation organizations to acquire land for open space, and to water companies to acquire land to be classified as Class I or Class II water supply property.

OSWA awarded state grants to protect 2,626 Acres of Open Space and Create two new urban community green spaces

To learn more about OSWA and view other towns and municipalities in the state receiving grants go to: https://portal.ct.gov/governor/news/press-releases/2024/07-2024/governor-lamont-announces-state-grants-to-protect-2626-acres-of-open-space?language=en_US&utm


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