The state is releasing information about how many individuals are vaccinated in all Connecticut communities. As of April 23, 22,746 or 43.87% of the town’s population had been vaccinated with a first dose.
Stratford clinics have dispensed 9,941 vaccines to date. It’s important to keep in mind that we are part of a larger regional and statewide vaccination network and effort.
Stratford does not vaccinate ONLY Stratford residents – many of residents and first responders have been vaccinated at locations outside Stratford, and conversely, many from outside of Stratford have been vaccinated here. Many residents and first responders have been vaccinated at locations outside Stratford, and conversely, manyfrom outside of Stratford have been vaccinated here.
The Stratford Health Department is partnering with Stratford EMS in order to bring COVID-19 vaccines to residents determined to be “homebound” and unable to safely access the vaccine clinics being offered by Stratford Health. This is being done under the Governor’s executive order 7HHH, and is being called “Operation Homeward Bound” by the Stratford Health and EMS team.
COVID vaccine clinics continue at the Birdseye Municipal Complex every Wednesday (9:30am – 3:30pm). Walk-ins are now welcome! No appointment necessary. Just bring an ID. Anyone 18 and older is eligible for the MODERNA vaccine, which is currently the only vaccine we offer.
Although now not required, we still encourage you to be register with the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) as your processing time may be much shorter. Registering in VAMS starts by visiting the CT DPH portal at:
However, if you are not in VAMS, we will enter your information while you wait and have you fill out a pre-vaccination form that asks questions about allergies, etc. The paperwork is also available on our website at:
The CT Veterans Administration is currently vaccinating veterans of all ages. Veterans (any age) must be enrolled for care with VA to receive the vaccine. Veterans can apply online at Mask and physical distancing required. To maintain physical distancing, if possible, we’re asking patients not to bring anyone with them to the clinic.
Governor Lamont announced all adults in Connecticut over the age of 16 will now be eligible to schedule a vaccination appointment beginning April 1st .
*Please Note: Only the Pfizer vaccine has been approved for those aged 16 and 17. Anyone under the age of 18 getting a vaccine must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must sign associated paperwork. The Stratford Health Department is currently administering the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines which are approved only for those 18 and older.
Statewide Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics
To view a statewide list and map of COVID-19 vaccine clinics, go to:, and enter your zip code or town in the location box on the right, and press the yellow search icon.
Telephone: Those without internet access can call Connecticut’s COVID Vaccine Appointment Assistance Line: 877-918-2224. The phone system is targeted to provide support for eligible vaccine recipients who have limited technology access, or who have language, disability, or other barriers that could prevent them from using existing self-scheduling options successfully. The line will take calls on Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will offer a call-back option when all contact specialists are busy serving other callers. The team will aim to return calls as soon as possible, with the goal of same-day response.
Important: If you are having a second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, it must be of the same type as your first dose. The vaccines cannot be mixed.
Effective Saturday, May 1, 2021
The curfew for restaurants, entertainment venues, recreation venues, and theaters will be moved back one hour to 12:00 am midnight. Bars that do not serve food can open for service – OUTDOOR ONLY. Food is still required when serving alcohol indoors.
The 8-person per table limit will be lifted – OUTDOOR ONLY. The limit remains in effect for indoor dining.
Effective Wednesday, May 19, 2021 All remaining business restrictions will end.
The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) will issue recommendations for indoor and large outdoor events (e.g., concerts).