Crier Bingo is Here!
Welcome to the new daily CRIER BINGO!
Play once daily, and win $5 if you’re the first to stop the clock with the correct numbers in the correct pattern! The winner is announced at 7 AM the following day.
Join the Fun!
Playing is free for all subscribers through August 9th. After the 9th, become a Crier Sponsor for only $10 a month to play seven days every week for free! Increase your chances to win! You must have a PayPal account to play so that we can send you your winnings.
It’s fun! It’s fast! And….. when you become a Crier Sponsor, you’re also supporting local journalism, and that makes you a winner every day!
Click here to play Crier Bingo and here to donate to our organization.
Your sponsorship helps support a free press and our democracy!
Sponsorship Opportunities

CUB REPORTER – $5 per month
Receive a t-shirt with our Crier logo

ACE REPORTER – $10 per month
Play Bingo daily and receive a t-shirt with our Crier logo

EDITOR IN CHIEF – $25 per month
Play Bingo daily and receive a t-shirt and baseball cap with our Crier logo

PUBLISHER – $50 per month
Play Bingo daily and receive a t-shirt, baseball cap and mug with our Crier logo
Your donations are tax-deductible through our parent organization, Stratford Forward, a 501(c) (3).