Saturday, February 15, 2025

Stratford Library “Sunday Afternoon Talks”


“Floating Palaces of the North Atlantic”

February 2, 2 PM-3:30 PM
Lovell Room
Free and Open to Public

Hosted by Charles Lautier

The Stratford Library will continue “Sunday Afternoon Talks,” its series of informative and entertaining talks featuring prominent local guest speakers, on Sunday, February 2 at 2 PM. Guest speaker Rick Abramson will return to the Library to discuss “The Floating Palaces of the North Atlantic. The talk is free and open to the public.

Guest speaker Rick Abramson will discuss the golden era of trans-Atlantic ocean travel and the famous liners. The program covers the evolution and history of the great liners beginning in the early 1800s, the decline of ocean travel, and to the present with the resurgence of ocean travel. It will cover the halcyon years of these great ships, their contributions in both WW I and WW II, and the tragic times that was part of their history. Rick will also display some ocean liner models.

The “Sunday Afternoon Talks” series, hosted by Charles Lautier of Stratford, is held from 2 to 3:30 PM in the Stratford Library Lovell Room, 2203 Main Street in Stratford.

For further information, visit or call the Library at 203.385-4162.


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