Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Town Council Special Meeting Results


Information is taken from the minutes of the meeting, which are available in its entirety at:

A Special Meeting of the Town Council took place on May 9th, assembled to vote on the Town budget. Council Chair Carl Glad presided over the meeting; in attendance were council members Bill O’Connor, Christopher Green, Alvin O’Neal, Renee Gibson, Anthony Afriyie, Kerry Whitham, Kaitlin Shake, Alan Llewelyn, and Paul Aurelia. Others in attendance were Mayor Hoydick, Chief Administrative Officer Tymniac, Town Attorney Hodgson and Assistant Town Attorney Florek.

Mayor Hoydick had prepared and submitted the annual operating budget, and as recorded in the minutes of the meeting: the sum of $ 260,014,370 is hereby appropriated for the current expenses, permanent improvements, and other lawful charges for each department and each division thereof of the Town of Stratford for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, all in accordance with the provisions of the budget attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Here, from the minutes, are increases and decreases in expenditures:

Mr. Llewelyn moved, seconded by Mr. O’Connor, to amend the item as indicated below with no increase to the appropriation or change to the mill rate as recommended by council members O’Connor, Whitham, Glad, Llewelyn, Aurelia, O’Neal: 


Community Services     Payroll-Regular             27,600                                      708,945

Community Services     Outside Services          20,000                                        22,000

Health Dept.                 Payroll – Part Time          7,000                                        45,000

Health Dept.                 Payroll – Overtime         (7,000)                                       38,000

Recreation Dept.           Consumable Supplies        500                                              500

Recreation Dept.           Program Materials           (500)                                          6300

Sterling House              Community Grant          25,000                                      270,000

Library Association       Community Grant          50,000                                    3,676,530

Employee Benefits        Health Insurance        (100,000)                                 13,849,576

Employee Benefits        Pension Benefits        (522,600)                                   5,437,921

Board of Education        Board of Education      500,000                                127,502,725


The motion to amend passed 6 to 4 via roll call vote as follows:

Mr. O’Connor-YES, Mr. Green-NO, Mr. O’Neal-YES, Ms. Gibson-NO, Mr. Afriyie-NO, Ms. Whitham-YES, Ms. Shake-NO, Mr. Llewelyn-YES, Mr. Aurelia-YES, Chairman Glad-YES           

Mr. Green moved, seconded by Ms. Shake, to amend the item by appropriating the sum of $260,514,370 as indicated below with no change to the mill rate and recommended by council members Shake, Afriyie, Gibson, Green:

2025 BUDGE PROPOSALS                  CHANGE                       FULL AMOUNT

ARPA                                                   $500,000                           $500,000

(American Rescue Plan Act)

Board of Education                                $500,000                      $128,002,725

Town Budget                                        $500,000                       $260,514,370

Discussion followed. The motion to amend failed 4 to 6 via roll call vote as follows:

Mr. O’Connor-NO, Mr. Green-YES, Mr. O’Neal-NO, Ms. Gibson-YES, Mr. Afriyie-YES, Ms. Whitham-NO, Ms. Shake-YES, Mr. Llewelyn-NO, Mr. Aurelia-NO, Chairman Glad-NO.

Ms. Shake moved, seconded by Mr. Green, to amend the item by appropriating the sum of $262,614,370 as indicated below with no change to the mill rate and recommended by council members Shake, Afriyie, Gibson, Green:


FINAL ASK                                                       CHANGE                      FULL AMOUNT

Pension Contribution                                         -$500,000                     $5,460,521

Non-Lapsing funds from balance

of unspent town funds FY24                               -$2,000,000                  $0

General Fund Utilization                                    +$2,000,000                  $2,000,000

ARPA                                                               +$600,000                    $600,000

Stratford Library Grant                                       +$75,000                      $3,701,530

Sterling House Community Grant                       +$25,000                      $270,400

Board of Education                                            +3,000,000                   $130,002,725

Town Budget                                                                                        $262,614,370

Discussion followed. The motion to amend failed 4 to 6 via roll call vote as follows: Mr. O’Connor-NO, Mr. Green-YES, Mr. O’Neal-NO. Ms. Gibson-YES, Mr. Afriyie-YES, Ms. Whitham-NO, Ms. Shake-YES, Mr. Llewelyn-NO, Mr. Aurelia-NO, Chairman Glad-NO.

Each Council Member gave concluding remarks regarding the budget and process.

The main motion as amended passed 6 to 4 via roll call vote as follows:

Mr. O’Connor-YES, Mr. Green-NO, Mr. O’Neal-YES, Ms. Gibson-NO, Mr. Afriyie-NO, Ms. Whitham-YES, Ms. Shake-NO, Mr. Llewelyn-YES, Mr. Aurelia-YES, Chairman Glad-YES.

Regarding taxes for town residents, the following was determined:

WHEREAS, the estimated revenues of the Town of Stratford other than by taxation for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, are $ 59,635,475; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council has proposed an operating budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025;


WHEREAS, a tax levy at the rate of 40.20 mills on the dollar on the Grand List of taxable property [excluding motor vehicle property] in the Town of Stratford on October 1, 2023, is necessary to meet the appropriations, less the estimated amount of revenue from other sources as permitted by law to be raised;


WHEREAS, a tax levy at the rate of 32.46 mills on the dollar on the Grand List of taxable motor vehicle property in the Town of Stratford on October 1, 2023, is necessary to meet the appropriations, less the estimated amount of revenue from other sources as permitted by law to be raised;


That a tax rate of 40.20 mills on the dollar on the Grand List be and is hereby levied against all taxable property [excluding Motor Vehicle] in the Town of Stratford on the Grand List of October 1, 2023; and

That a tax rate of 32.46 mills on the dollar on the Motor Vehicle Grand List be and is hereby levied against all taxable motor vehicle property in the Town of Stratford on the Motor Vehicle Grand List of October 1, 2023; and

That said taxes shall be due and payable in two equal installments, one half thereof on July 1, 2024, and the second half thereof on January 1, 2025, provided, however, that any tax, the aggregate amount of which shall not exceed $100.00 shall be due and payable in one payment on July 1, 2024.

Mr. Llewelyn moved to accept, seconded by Mr. O’Connor, and the motion passed 6 to 4 via roll call vote as follows:

Mr. O’Connor-YES, Mr. Green-NO, Mr. O’Neal-YES, Ms. Gibson-NO,

Mr. Afriyie-NO, Ms. Whitham-YES, Ms. Shake-NO, Mr. Llewelyn-YES, Mr. Aurelia-YES, Chairman Glad-YES.

The meeting was adjourned by a unanimous vote.


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