“Talking Transportation”
By Jim Cameron
Author: “Off The Record: Confessions of a Media Consultant”
All Opinion pieces and Letters to the Editor reflect ONLY the thoughts of the writer, and not those of the Stratford Crier or its Editorial Board.
Imagine that. A politician who keeps his word.
However you feel about our new President, he is doing exactly what he pledged he would do… and quickly. He is fulfilling promises that got him elected, so nobody should be surprised. Scared, perhaps. But not surprised.
As of this writing, there have been no massive ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) raids nor large-scale deportations of “illegal” immigrants, but you know they are coming. Not nationwide perhaps, but strategically enough to convince the public (and the undocumented) that Trump is serious.
Experts think that Connecticut has attracted over 100,000 undocumented immigrants, about 3% of our population. It’s estimated they pay over $400 million in taxes.
ICE says it’s going after “the worst, first”, rounding up known gang members and sex offenders. I have no problem with that. But what about others that may get swept up in these raids and those legal immigrants just living their lives, doing their jobs and paying their taxes? Immigrants, legal or otherwise, have every reason to be scared.
How will they react? Probably by going into hiding.
If the immigrants are afraid to go to work, their jobs will be empty just like their wallets. Restaurant kitchens won’t be staffed, crops won’t be picked and offices (and homes) won’t get cleaned. Frightened immigrants may not seek healthcare or may even avoid food pantries they need to feed their families.
I can empathize with those concerns… the fear of getting swept up at work or an ICE team (or local cops) boarding a bus or train and grabbing anyone suspicious, taking them off to some detention facility for sorting out.

Affording a car for commuting in our state is expensive; so many immigrants must rely on our buses and trains. But given the fears I mention, I would predict a possible decline in ridership on mass transit as the ICE raids continue.
Will the transit agencies cooperate with ICE? I asked CDOT…, which referred me to Metro-North…, which said “no comment.”
The Trump White House has threatened to withhold Federal funds and even prosecute local officials who obstruct ICE plans, so do the transit agencies have much choice?
Under “detainer” laws ICE can get local cops to hold suspects for 48 hours. Now the state GOP wants to roll back the state’s TRUST Act limiting local police cooperation with ICE to expedite more deportations of criminals.
Jim Cameron is founder of the Commuter Action Group and advocates for Connecticut rail riders. His weekly column “Talking Transportation” is archived here. You can contact Jim at [email protected].